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Uncrowded Thoughts – Revealing some positives from staying at home

Hi, I’ve had some time for some Uncrowded Thoughts, and I wondered if you did also?

We’ve all been through a lot with this coronavirus, and I’m wondering if there are some things that you’ve learned – some things that you might want to keep doing and some things that you might not want to keep doing when this is all over.

Here are some of my lessons learned:

  1. Keep doing video conference calls with family & friends

  2. Be grateful for a full shelf of toilet paper

  3. Never take for granted the ability just to hug our loved ones

  4. Travel when ever possible

  5. Create more downtime in my schedule

  6. Enjoy cooking and trying new recipes

  7. Do chores during the week instead of leaving them all for the weekend

What would you like to add?

Below is the video. I’m still new at this video creation activity. I tried to make a better video with better lighting, but the message didn’t come across as well. I think the message is more important! This is only my second one – my first video was A Message of Hope.

An Uncrowded Office allows for Uncrowded Thoughts

One of the main things I have learned is that I used to be crazy. 🙂 Seriously, I had a crazy busy schedule. I had Outlander Tours starting in April, I had several independent custom small groups going to Ireland and Italy in April and I had booked myself to go to Italy the end of March 2020. I’m actually very lucky that my Italy trip was cancelled.

It’s not like I’m bored now – I’m still busy moving tours and creating new tours for 2021 and working on learning how to promote my Beyond the Crowds travel on Pinterest and my A Happy Place Travel with local businesses. But I do take time occasionally to step outside and sit in the sun and have a cup of coffee. #whenthisisallover, I’m going to continue to take moments for myself and not create a schedule for myself that makes me crazy.

Here is the rest of the text from the video if you prefer to read rather than watch:

For example my parents have learned how to video conference call, so that’s fun and we’ll keep doing that. And then I also have gotten better at taking care of myself, so walking or doing a little exercise every day. And something that I might not want to keep doing is staying up late at night – playing with colors and things for my Pinterest.

I don’t think I will ever look at full shelf full of toilet paper again the same. My husband says our Safeway now has toilet paper – I haven’t seen it myself yet.

And the ability just to hug our loved ones. I don’t think we’ll ever take that for granted again. And I can’t wait!!

The first place I’m going to go, I just made plane ticket reservations, is to go to St Louis for my husband’s family reunion – St Louis in July 🙁 – and the next ticket I’m hoping to buy is to go see my parents.

(My plane tickets are on Southwest – so they’re changeable!)

What are your take aways from this? What do you want to continue to do and what do you want to not do? Where is the first place that you want to go??

Please post your thoughts in the comment section.

Take care and be safe!

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